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     Agar Consulting & Outreach Services is dedicated to providing the best and brightest field staff for all your outreach needs. We specialize in both big and small construction related projects. Whether you are installing new utility lines, fixing broken sidewalks, repaving roadways, trimming trees or completing a major infrastructure project, we can provide the outreach specialist you need. Agar Consulting, along with our staff, will provide a tailor-made plan including all services listed below.



​     Our outreach and notification plan includes the creation of work specific notices that will explain anticipated work. Notices will include general information such as expected start and end dates, locations of the work and contact information for questions and comments. Agar Consulting will  distribute these personalized notices to all parties affected by the construction activities.  



      Planning is one of the most important steps in any successful construction project. We use our field experience to identify some of the potential challenges that may impact the completion of the work and look to resolve these problems before work is started. Planning includes creating a plan with businesses and residents of the area to minimize the impact it will have on their lives and livelihoods. When planning is achieved properly, the cost and the difficulty of the construction project is greatly reduced.


     In all construction projects, complaints are inevitable. It is how these complaints are addressed that can have an impact on the work. Agar Consulting has developed a three-step strategy to mitigate complaints. Step One, and probably the most important, is to intently listen to the stakeholder’s complaints. Often, residents are complaining more out of frustration with the work,  rather than with an actual problem. Oftentimes, by just listening to the community, you can resolve the complaint. Step Two, is to prevent complaints before they happen. We train our field staff to identify any potential problems that can lead to complaints. Step Three, is to create a general complaint form that can be given to the stakeholder to complete and submit to our on-site staff. This allows us to access the complaint and develop the best strategy to solve it. It also provides a record of the complaint for future availability.


     Community engagement is a critical step in achieving a successful project. Every neighborhood is unique and presents its own challenges. We have developed a state-of-the-art plan to facilitate this. Our field coordinators will create a customized presentation, outlining the project objectives and what can be expected. As part of the presentation we utilize charts and graphs to explain what work is anticipated. We hold a Q & A session with the community to address any questions and concerns they may have. We also provide handouts and timely advisories over the course of the project.


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